Working in this industry and having been a bride myself, I have heard some pretty outlandish things from bridal consultants. Thankfully, I wasn't naive enough to listen to the bad advice. I was so amazed at some of things they would say with a straight face. Some funny ones are:
"Don't discuss anything personal with the client."- What?! That is exactly what some brides want. They love discussing the details of their wedding and they may ask what you did on your wedding day. There is no harm in talking. Really?!
"Get them in and out of their dress choices as quickly as possible. Their appointments are for only an hour." - In other words, rush them to the point where they are too confused to make a decision. That's smart. Don't get me wrong, I know you have to keep appointment times but you should be able to do it without rushing them. A good consultant knows how to manage her time properly.
"Don't pull anything they didn't ask for." - Are you kidding me?! You are the expert sometimes you may have to show a b2b something she never thought to try on. They may come in with a specific dress in mind but when they put it on, it's a big fat NO. It is your expertise that she is relying on. That one dress she never thought to try-on may end up being THE one.
If you are a bride-to-be and you find the treatment you are receiving to be less than expected, don't be afraid to tell them or take your money elsewhere. There are too many choices in designer wedding dress shops that you don't have to tolerate ill treatment from anybody. If you love a particular store and you really must get your dress there, then ask for a different consultant. It may be that a particular person isn't up to par but make sure to let the owner know of that consultant's behavior. A good owner will correct it promptly.
Happy Shopping!
McKinley Bridal 😊